Simply choose your source and target language(s) from our easy to use order form, choose the industry in which your project belongs to and move on to the next step!
Here is the most important part: upload your content! Simply choose the file(s) you want or paste your text. You can upload files in the formats of PDF, DOCX, TXT, PPTX, HTML, ODT, OTT and many more.
You can choose “Standard” or “Professional” package according to your contents. Professional package includes proofreading by another linguistic.
Next, you will be taken to a page where you can see the final invoice for your review. You can even print it!
Best thing about working with Mars Translation? You can pay online via PayPal, CreditCard, AliPay or prepaid Mars credits. If you have limitation with your accounts department for invoicing, You can even pay us later.
Now sit back, relax and grab a cup of tea. Your project is being worked on. Once it’s done, it will pop up in your email!
You can view latest status of your task any time and discuss your task with support team and your translation expert.
Here on transaction history page, You can view transactions of your orders and you can also download invoice of any transaction.