
Distinguishing Between E-business And E-commerce

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Mon, 27-06-2016

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E-business means electronic business, it refers to the conduct of business on the Internet. That is people use technology called as internet to communicate with clients, partner and suppliers. E-business means not only buying and selling but also servicing clients and also coordinating with business partners in different languages. It includes...

Different Types of E-commerce

By: Rizwan Ghafoor Posted on Mon, 27-06-2016

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When you are entering into the world of e-commerce, you should be aware of all the types of e-commerce. E-commerce is divided to several types in order to make to remove all sought confusion. In order study deep about the e-commerce you can also consult Online Industry expert Translation that provide you different services like Arabic Digital ...

Translation services discover the latest Trends in eCommerce

By: Rizwan Ghafoor Posted on Wed, 15-06-2016

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Translation services help discovering the Latest Trends in the e-Commerce industry   Now the ecommerce is revolutionized by the emerging translation services, as now ecommerce finally has some quantifiable data to display. While the positive impact of language over ecommerce emerging from the revolutionary globalization. Globalize your E...

Mars Translation Services for IRCE e-Commerce Exhibition in Chicago

By: Rizwan Ghafoor Posted on Fri, 10-06-2016

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Mars Translation Services facilitating IRCE e-Commerce Exhibition in Chicago   You all are living in the era of clear disruption, as you communicate, share, entertain, and of course your working style. This disruption began decades ago with the introduction of the Web in the business. While this disruption was going in every one lives no...

Mars Translation Services: The Leading e-Commerce Industry Expert in Linguistics

By: Rizwan Ghafoor Posted on Thu, 09-06-2016

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Language is the subversive power has been recognized throughout the ages in censorship, in books, and now in ecommerce business across the world. When you hear the word translation, do you immediately think of books in different languages, foreign films with subtitles, for many people translation is all that. Well here are few other scenarios ...

Guidelines to Raise Capital For The E-Commerce Startups

By: Muhammad Abdullah Posted on Mon, 23-05-2016

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When you start a business you usually make no revenue at all while you always need cash to pay your first employee. You may also have to invest in building your product or in marketing in order to get known from your costumers. It means you need capital and it is same when your company is bigger but not profitable because it has not yet reache...

Improve The Performance Of Your E-commerce Website

By: Rizwan Ghafoor Posted on Fri, 20-05-2016

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In 2009, Forrester Research published dings of a study showing that on average, a customer was willing to wait for few seconds. But if it takes more than 3 seconds, then the majority of individuals would abandon the site and continue looking elsewhere. The other major issue is not using the variety of languages for your e-commerce website. ...

Advent Of E-commerce And The Use Of Translation Services

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Fri, 20-05-2016

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In the last two decades technology has significantly changed. Computers specifically are now quicker, faster and most importantly more accessible. Now many new services have emerged that along with this new technology makes an amazing pair and make convenient for people to do business online. Convenience is becoming more and more important and...

Learn USA Market –Why Is It Good to your E-Commerce Business

By: Rizwan Ghafoor Posted on Mon, 16-05-2016

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Learn Your USA Market – Why Is It Good For Your E-Commerce Business!   The convenience and the sheer bliss of shopping online and having your goodies delivered to your doorstep is something else. They are not afraid to shop from foreign countries and test their products. 77% of the American consumers prefer to shop online. 22% of...

Five Key Question to Ask yourself Before Translating E-commerce Website

By: Rizwan Ghafoor Posted on Tue, 10-05-2016

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Translating your e-commerce website means conquering new markets. Local costumers shouldn’t spot any difference with website from their country. The goal is to build trust. Remember that 9 out of 10 internet users prefer to view their website in their native language, which multiplies conversion rate by 5. Many certified translation service pr...