
Knowing Thai Is More Important Than You Thought

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Tue, 22-12-2015

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You might not know it, but you may already know a little Thai language. Remember all those delicious dishes from your favorite Thai restaurant around the corner? Well, their menu has a lot of Thai words that are essential for any person who is planning on visiting Thailand. When it comes to Thai translation, you need to know a lot more than th...

I Bet You Didn’t Know This about Bahasa Indonesia

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Thu, 17-12-2015

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Indonesia is a one benevolent country. It is a cluster of islands that form together and make one big, giant hearted country. It has 17,508 islands and has three different time zones. Only 6,000 of these islands are populated by humans and there are countless exotic and rare animals and flowers that you will not find anywhere else in the world...

Japanese Certified Translation Services

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Thu, 12-11-2015

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Mars Translation provides high quality and professional Japanese Certified Translation Services all over the world. We have a team of responsible and certified translators who are trained and experienced to provide certified translation services to our clients. We provide efficient translation services at the most affordable rates. We provide ...