
Guidelines for Making Your Own First Aid Kit

By: Noor Hayat Posted on Wed, 13-01-2016

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Are you planning to assemble a first aid kit for your home or office but don’t know what things you need? Well I am going to help you accomplish that task in no time. If you require some specific medical equipment which is work-related, you shall carry out adequate online research. If you are interested in Assamese products for your first a...

Tips on Choosing Materials for Medical Equipment

By: Noor Hayat Posted on Tue, 12-01-2016

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Choosing materials for manufacturing medical devices is a task that requires a lot of skill and research. The selected material which can be plastic, metal, ceramic or something else, should be compatible with the function of the equipment. It is a smart practice to have a look at the material data of your country in order to conclude what stu...

Dos and Don’ts for Leaflets of Medicines

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Thu, 07-01-2016

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Leaflets are packed with medicines to provide the user/consumer information about their usage, purpose and possible side effects. They are commonly called PILs (patient information leaflets) and are exclusively written and printed by drug manufacturers to provide additional or advanced information about a medication in relation to that given o...

How to Design a Laboratory Equipment Manual

By: Noor Hayat Posted on Wed, 06-01-2016

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Your laboratory equipment manual can be created in hard or soft form so that the user has an option to choose according to his/her convenience. Your manual should be capable of educating users about the equipment’s characteristics and how to use it effectively. If people of different ethnicities are a part of your laboratory’s workforce, it...

Health Research in Assam: Tea Gardens

By: Noor Hayat Posted on Thu, 31-12-2015

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The state of Assam is the king producer of tea in India; Dibrugarh is the hub of tea gardens in the state. Out of the 138 tea gardens, a study was conducted over 8 to investigate the health problems and nutritional status of the associated population. The full form of this research paper is available online in English and Assamese but if yo...

The Top New Year Resolution – Eat Healthy, Get Fit!

By: Noor Hayat Posted on Mon, 28-12-2015

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At the end of the year comes Christmas – a time for extravagant feasts and celebrations. In the spirit of the season, you won’t say ‘no’ to a second slice of apple pie or even faintly resist a serving or two of eggnog which alone contains over 300 calories! It is the day after Christmas when you start to notice the extra pounds you’ve gaine...

A Beginner’s Guide to Clinical Trials

By: Noor Hayat Posted on Wed, 23-12-2015

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What Is A Clinical Trial? A clinical trial is a research study performed on human beings with the objective of testing new drugs, treatments, vaccines or medical procedures. It is the fastest and most sound way to find out whether new products or practices are safe and practical. Initially, testing is done in the laboratory on animals; o...

World Diabetes Day - Why Do We Need Multi-Lingual Medical Pamphlets

By: Noor Hayat Posted on Fri, 13-11-2015

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Tomorrow is World Diabetes Day, a day when we stand together and try to bring awareness about this disease. Granted, Diabetes needs no introduction, but there are many people who are still unaware of it, or they choose to ignore it. When I say Diabetes does not need an introduction, I mean to draw attention to the fact that we all know a perso...

Medical reports translation, 5 tips and more

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Thu, 18-06-2015

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The field of medical and healthcare is fascinating which never stops moving and demanding. Medical translating is a challenging work; so many people who want to enter into this world stop at some troubles, for example, medical reports. We are going to learn some tips from an experienced medical translator on medical reports translation. Emm...