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Usually a tender is referred to the process of where different financial institutions and governments call bids for large projects, needed to be submitted within a specific period of time. As a potential government supplier of goods and services, it is very essential to be looking for better business opportunities.

If done correctly, your government tender can stimulate the economy as well as sustain and grow your business. With numerous departments issuing requests throughout the year, the tender process can be very busy and complicated.

Government tenders in Thailand are very competitive and a lot of companies here are totally dependent on them. Just because of the steady work along with a payment guarantee, many projects provided here by the local or central governments, have a lot of prestige attached to them.

Winning government tenders here totally depend on the price, and this is the reason why only the competitive price owner is awarded the tender. To study about the government tenders in Thailand, you can consult with the Thai tenders translation services.

Mostly governments are very eager to attract small businesses, not only to improve the business environment of the country, but also to business growth. This is why many tenders are open within the country, although some other countries open their tenders internationally as well. Here are the top 10 tips to win a government tender.

Be Sure To Look For Information

More than 200 tenders are issued by the different government institutions, which request for quotations on a daily basis. To keep in touch with what is going on in your area, stay in contact with a service that can provide you with regular and up-to-date notifications, for all those tenders that are available in your area.

Keep an Open Eye on Supplier Databases

Since all the government departments have their own supplier databases, you need to decide which one is the most suitable for your business and register yourself with them. While registering here, you will be required to submit the latest original and valid tax clearance certificate along with a BEE certificate. A copy of your company’s registration will also be asked from you, in order to prove its existence. Legal documents translation services company can advice you on the best way to proceed with this tender.

Note All Information Relating To the Tender

There are uncountable government tenders that are open for businesses. So, if you have responded to the previous tenders, you are more likely to achieve this one. Once you have received a notification of a government tender, you have to confirm when and where you can grasp those tender documents. The next step is to identify the process of responding. Mostly tenders require a hard copy to be personally delivered, before the fixed closing date and time.

Read the Terms and Conditions Carefully

When you get the tender documents, it is advisable to read the terms and conditions very carefully. If there is a tender briefing, it will be mentioned in the documents. It is usually very beneficial to attend the tender briefing, to get a better knowledge of what is expected from the bidders thus, enabling you to make a well informed decision of whether you want to apply for the tender in the first place, and what exactly to highlight in the application form so as to increase your chances of obtaining this tender.

Read the Documents from Beginning to End

It is very crucial for you to read the tender documents, starting from the very beginning to the extreme end. As the government officials receive a multiple of tenders, they have to cut down on the number of documents they receive. So if your tender documents are not filled in properly, according to the tender requirements, such as a valid tax certificate along with a BEE certificate, your application will be immediately disqualified.

Submit On Time

Submitting your tender application before the closing date and time is extremely important. Failure to do so is the perfect ground for disqualification. If you have not followed the specified instructions, the government officials will not even bother to open your application form. Make use of the translation service provider, especially if you belong to another country and are not familiar with the Thai language.

Prove Your Capability

While evaluating a tender, the government officials are always on the lookout for those applications, which are very unique and those who differentiate themselves from the competition along with its price. Besides the price, there are other factors that need to be focused in order to increase your chances of success. These factors include signifying your creation and displaying the capacity to deliver the work on time.

Confirmation of Receiving the Documents

A lot of times what happens is that tender boxes are tampered with. That is why the government officials give a call to make sure that the person has received the tender documents. Just to be on the safe side you can also follow on this through e-mail. You can take help from the professional translation services company, in case you are in need of professional assistance relating tenders.

Keep Your Documents Safe

Always keep a copy of your submitted tender documents along with its attachments, safe with you. This is very necessary for your own records, and can be very knowledgeable for any future coming tenders. It can also be a vital backup in case your documents get misplaced or lost.

Stay Well Informed of the Adjudication Committee

A lot of times when the tender has been submitted along with all the required documents, such as BEE certificate and tax certificate, but at the time when the tender is about to close, those documents expire. Here, you need to ensure that you can furnish the latest valid documents to the concerned party at that time.

Every year federal, state and local governments invite the different sectors to submit bids for the supply of goods and services. The government officials also attract small, medium or even large businesses, from office supplies to major construction projects. Many government tenders normally share a bundle of common features. Therefore, hire the Thai Tenders translation services to explore new ways to obtain tenders.