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Use a tool software for conversion, such as "PDF to DWG Converter" which can be searched from Google. It works. There will be the following issues after the conversion:

  • The scaling is off
  • All lines are in the same layer
  • All lines are segmented

2. This method may be a little complicated. First save the PDF file into a picture format, and then convert it into CAD formate with vectorization software, such as Adobe Illustrator (AI). There will be the same conversion issues as with Method 1.

3. It's much more complicated and suitable for searching size. Open the PDF file through PDFIN in AutoCAD toolbar, you can edit dimension, and then you have to check through the drawing. It takes some trouble, but you can get more precise size, any size you want!

First convert the file with either of the first two methods, and then check through the converted file, make necessary corrections, and use the size marking obtained from the third method. In this way, you can get a perfect converted file...