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Poultry Products - Check the Characteristics, Nutritional Details


Poultry products, being nutritious, can add a large amount of variety to the human diet. Most of the poultry products come from chickens, ducks, turkeys etc. In several developed countries, cost-effective production provides a large supply of meat and eggs. In the food processing industry, meat is also provided either in the form of whole meat, cut-up parts, or further processed meat.

While dealing with poultry products, you need to have complete knowledge of what exactly poultry products are and the characteristics to poultry, nutritional information as well as what is the best feed for your poultry products. If you need more knowledge about the poultry products in Basque, then make use of the Basque Poultry Products Translation.

Characteristics to Poultry

Poultry products are a great source of nutrients and a healthy addition to any diet. Mostly, poultry is referred to as chicken but it also includes duck, goose and turkey. The healthy aspects of chicken vary according to whether the meat is light or dark and also whether it is skinless or with the skin. Where, light meat with skin contains the lowest amount of cholesterol, there also, the highest amount of proteins and fat is found in skinless meat. Similarly, skinless dark meat provides the highest amount of zinc whereas dark meat with skin contains the highest amount of calories.

The same goes for the other poultry products such as duck, goose and turkey. It is very essential to also think about those people who cannot speak English. For them, you can take advantage of the best Language Translation Services that will be able to provide you with the best quality service making it easier for everyone to understand.

Nutrition for Poultry Products

Poultry products require different nutrients that are essential to life, growth, production and reproduction. Nature provides most of the nutrients in the form of bugs and insects, gravel, grains and seeds, sunshine etc.  But sometimes these are not enough. There are several other forms of nutrients that can be provided.

  • Water: Lack of fresh water leads to low egg production.
  • Proteins: This being the most expensive feed material is also the most profitable. Proteins from animal sources are more effective in promoting growth and egg production than protein from most vegetable sources.
  • Carbohydrates: These are starchy materials in grains and grain products. They supply fuel and energy, to form fat in the body or egg.
  • Minerals: Calcium carbonate forms most of the egg shell. Calcium and phosphorous make up the major part of the bones. Salt provides some of the essentials while green feed contains small amount of important minerals.
  • Vitamins: Vitamin A protects against colds and infections. Vitamin D helps in the production of minerals in shell and bones also in preventing leg weakness and rickets. Riboflavin from milk, liver, yeast etc promotes the growth of chicks both in the eggs and after hatching.

Feeds for Poultry Products

Wheat is usually the best grains for poultry feeding. Oats vary significantly in nutritional value due to difference in body structure. Barley work well as part of the scratch feed. Corn is a very advantageous grain that is fed in a complete, cracked or ground form. Flax is high in protein and fat. Skim milk and butter milk are excellent for all poultry products.

If you have clients all over the world, for them, you can hire the Global Translation Services that will translate the information about your poultry products in different languages. Moreover, if you’re about to set up your business in Basque, then the Basque Poultry Products Translation can be extremely helpful.