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Translators and Interpreters – What Can They Do To Become More Successful? (Part 1)


Let’s be real for a moment. People always think that being a translator or an interpreter is very easy. They think that being bilingual comes naturally and the professionals are making easy money with their “talent.” However, we translators and interpreters know what it really takes to be good at our job. The seasoned translators and interpreters know how to cope in a new environment, but a new person will be (or can be) intimidated by the profession and how demanding it is.

There are many ways through which these subtle jobs can become too much at times. Meeting deadlines on big projects is hard, so is pleasing the clients and make sure that everything is perfect for the client when the submission time comes. There are tiny little things that can help you work better and allow you a little breathing room when the deadlines are tight and the work is too much. Jot these little advises down because they can help you succeed.

Always keep it in your mind that if this work was this easy, everyone, and I mean everyone, would be a translator or an interpreter.

Simply knowing a different language is not enough. You need to have a certain talent and a decent amount of experience to know which word would be appropriate in a certain sentence. Just like English, every word has multiple meanings. So choose wisely and keep your head on.

Remember that success will come to you slowly. This is no big money scheme. You will not become rich overnight. This job takes dedication, hard work and some of your time. You cannot expect to start getting big projects that will pay you thousands of dollars. You will need experience, credibility, time, credentials and patience to get to that point. Plus, you need to stay up to date about the latest news regarding translators.

You are not a commodity. Also, never stick to a price, once you provide quality work, your rates will be accepted. But only if you have provided enough good work. Remember that success and money will come to you if you are patient enough!

A translator is as good as his words. It is very important for you to have a courteous and kind demeanor. You need to form good relationships with your clients and fellow translators. When you are beginning your work, it is basically word-to-mouth that gets you the much needed projects. Have a positive attitude and always focus on that half full glass. And if you are working online through a freelance web business, make sure that you get a confirmation from the client before you start working on it. You do not want to be conned.

Make plans, but be realistic. Your goals should be achievable. Never expect too much. Always aim for the best and you will get your worth’s due. Lastly, don’t sell yourself too short. You have made this far because you have talent, just because it is not working right now does not mean that it will never work. Keep faith and carry one translating and interpreting.

Also, Read More about this topic in detail:

Translators and Interpreters – What Can They Do To Become More Successful? Part 4

Translators and Interpreters – What Can They Do To Become More Successful? Part 3

Translators and Interpreters – What Can They Do To Become More Successful? Part 2

Translators and Interpreters – What Can They Do To Become More Successful? Part 1