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Digitalization has connected the world, and it has become a global village. Some countries in the world are rich in mineral resources, whereas others face scarcity of them. The countries exchange different resources with each other in the form of education, technology, political, economic, and cultural cooperation. The purpose of globalization is to create harmony and peace in the world. Let's have a look at types of globalization.
Political Globalization is a form of globalization that is used to manage and prevent political conflict among the countries. It tries to develop good relationships among the countries. Global organizations like the World Trade Organization and the United Nations were established to resolve political issues and maintain a healthy relationship among the countries. Political negotiations among the countries help to devise rules and regulations regarding immigration issues and how to enhance trade and cultural exchange among countries. Moreover, it also helps to mitigate the rivalry among the countries. Political globalization made global leaders work for the eradication of pandemic and other global issues like war and climate change.
Social and cultural globalization helps in exchanging ideas, values, and norms between the nations. The globalized world is full of distinct cultures, and people live according to their cultural norms. Social and cultural globalization helps them to accept each other's culture and develops a sense of tolerance. The developed countries of the world like the UK, Canada, and the USA share their cultural norms with less developed countries so that the cultural differences can be mitigated and the people of the world live together with harmony and peace.
Global nations are inter-connected through the exchange of resources, money, and products. None of the countries can survive in isolation. Countries that have rich oil reserves sell their oil to those countries that don't have such reserves. In exchange for oil, they buy other products like lumber. In the same way, some countries sell food items and crops to those countries that have scarce food resources. In this way, countries are interconnected with each and if any country suffers from an economic slump, it affects other countries globally. The best example is when the United States faced the global financial crisis in 2007, it greatly affected other countries like Canada and China.
Technological globalization is the relationship between the countries regarding cell phones, the internet, and the infrastructure of 3G and 4G. Due to technological globalization, many developing countries have bought 3G and 4G licenses from developed countries. Mobile proliferation in developing countries is also due to technological globalization. This globalization has reduced the distances, and you can share everything across borders in seconds, Whether it is money, movies, or products. Â
Ecological globalization is about how to deal with the effects of a global alliance on ecological issues. They consider the earth a single entity. Due to the industrial revolution, many ecological problems have risen like food and resource shortage, climate change, pollution, and overpopulation. Many global organizations are working to deal with these ecological problems. Here ecological globalization plays an important part.Â
Educational globalization hares innovative methods of teaching and training and development. It encourages global development, environmental sustainability, and contributes towards technological advancement in different fields. These educational tacts give global access to schools from junior classes to university level and prepare the young generation for leadership roles. Global education creates cultural awareness and helps to mitigate the differences between the cultures that create hindrance in connecting the people. Education and globalization bring people towards mutual goals of personal and global success.
Globalization has changed the landscape of the world. Global trade has reduced the poverty rate and is helping developing countries in their growth. Small and medium enterprises now sell their products and services across borders and target potential customers in no time. Barriers of boundaries have been removed because of technological advancement and it has led to the flow of labor, capital, and goods among different countries. It has resulted in a reduction of prices for customers and raised competition among companies. Globalization is leading the world towards growth, development, peace, and harmony.
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